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LaunchDataPage is a pointer to a memory page (4096 Bytes) which is persisted across reboots. The pointer might be NULL until the memory page is allocated. Allocation and persisting the page is responsibility of the application.

struct {
  uint32_t launch_data_type;
  uint32_t title_id;
  char launch_path[520];
  uint32_t flags;
  uint8_t pad[492];
  uint32_t launch_data[3072];
}* LaunchDataPage;

Launch data

Type 0x00000000: Switch to title

Will reboot to a new XBE. The data is application dependent. Official game demos should respect additional data:

struct LaunchData00000000 {
  uint32_t id;
  uint32_t runmode; // 0x00000001 = Kiosk / 0x00000002 = Normal (user selected)
  uint32_t timeout;
  char launcher_xbe_path[64];
  char title_xbe_path[64];
  uint8_t padding[3072 - 140];

Type 0x00000001: Switch to dashboard

Will reboot to the Dashboard.

struct LaunchData00000001 {
  uint32_t reason;
  uint32_t context;
  uint32_t parameters[2];
  uint8_t padding[3072 - 16];
reason parameters[0] parameters[1] Note
0 = Show Dashboard
1 = Error 1 = Invalid XBE
2 = Invalid Harddrive
3 = Region
4 = Parental control
5 = Media type bad Rating which caused this error
2 = Savedata
3 = Settings (flags) 0x01 = Clock
0x02 = Timezone
0x04 = Language
0x08 = Video
0x10 = Audio
4 = Music
6 = Network Configuration
7 = Create new account
8 = MessageServerInfo
9 = Show policies (flags) 0x01 = Subscription agreement
0x02 = Terms of use
0x04 = Code of conduct
0x08 = Privacy statement
10 = Online menu
11 = Force change of account name
12 = Force change of billing information

Type 0x00000002: Switch from dashboard

This passes back the context which was originally passed to the dashboard.

struct LaunchData00000002 {
  uint32_t context;
  uint8_t padding[3072 - 4];

Type 0x00000003: Run from debugger

struct LaunchData00000003 {
  char command_line[3072];

Type 0x00000004: Switch to title update

Type 0x00000006: Switch from title update

struct LaunchData00000006 {
  uint32_t context;
  uint32_t hr; // Microsoft result code
  char padding[3072 - 8];

Type 0xFFFFFFFF: None

launch_data remains unused.