Boot Process

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If we wish to HLE the MCPX, then there are certain things that can be ignored, for example, getting the CPU to 32 bit protected mode and enabling caching.


The xcode interpreter is common through both versions of the MCPX ROM. The high level interpretation of the MCPX ROM might look like this:

void xcode_interpreter() {
    int run_xcodes = 1;
    uint32_t eip = 0xff000080; // Not really EIP. This is just a pointer to the next xcode
    uint32_t result, scratch = 0;
    while (run_xcodes) {
        opcode    = get_memory_byte(eip);
        operand_1 = get_memory_dword(eip+1);
        operand_2 = get_memory_dword(eip+5);

        if (opcode == 0x07) {
            opcode    = operand_1;
            operand_1 = operand_2;
            operand_2 = result;

        switch (opcode) {
            case 0x02:
                result = get_memory_dword(operand_1 & 0x0fffffff);
            case 0x03:
                set_memory_dword(operand_1) = operand_2;
            case 0x06:
                result = (result & operand_1) | operand_2;
            case 0x04:
                if (operand_1 == 0x80000880) {
                    operand_2 &= 0xfffffffd;
                outl(operand_1, 0xcf8);
                outl(operand_2, 0xcfc);
            case 0x05:
                outl(operand_1, 0xcf8);
                result = inl(0xcfc);
            case 0x08:
                if (result != operand_1) {
                    eip += operand_2;
            case 0x09:
                eip += operand_2;
            case 0x10:
                scratch = (scratch & operand_1) | operand_2;
                result = scratch;
            case 0x11:
                outb(operand_2, operand_1);
            case 0x12:
                result = inb(operand_1);
            case 0xee:
                run_xcodes = 0;

        eip += 9;

RC4 Decryption of the 2BL

Decryption of the 2BL seems to happen in 4 stages.

Stage 1

Initialising the working space. The MCPX ROM seems to just write 1, 2, 3, 4.... 253, 254, 255 in memory addresses 0x8f000 to 0x850FF. This might look something like:

void init_rc4() {
    uint32_t stack_pointer = 0x8f000;

    for (int iterator = 0; iterator <= 255; iterator++) {
        set_memory_byte(stack_pointer + iterator, iterator);

Stage 2

Preparing for decryption. This gets the key from memory location 0xFFFFFFA5 and starts preparing and environment for decryption of the 2BL.

void load_key() {
    uint32_t key_location = 0xffffffa5;
    uint32_t stack_pointer = 0x8f000;
    uint8_t i, j = 0;

    for (int iterator = 0; iterator <= 255; iterator++) {
        i = get_memory_byte(iterator + stack_pointer);
        j += i + get_memory_byte(key_location + (iterator % 16));
        set_memory_byte(iterator+stack_pointer, get_memory_byte(j+stack_pointer));
        set_memory_byte(j+stack_pointer, i);

Stage 3

Perform the decryption. The MCPX reads the 2BL from 0xFFFF9E00 and decrypts it to 0x90000. It is 24K in size.

void decrypt() {
    uint32_t stack_pointer = 0x8f000;
    uint32_t encrypted = 0xFFFF9E00;
    uint32_t decrypted = 0x90000;

    uint8_t a, b, j, i = 0;

    i = get_memory_byte(stack_pointer + 0x100); // 0
    j = get_memory_byte(stack_pointer + 0x101); // 0

    for (int edi = 0; edi <= 0x6000; ++edi) {

        a = get_memory_byte(stack_pointer + i);
        j += a;
        b = get_memory_byte(stack_pointer + j);
        set_memory_byte(stack_pointer + i, b);
        set_memory_byte(stack_pointer + j, a);
        a += b;
        b = get_memory_byte(edi + encrypted);
        a = get_memory_byte(stack_pointer + a);
        b ^= a;
        set_memory_byte(edi + decrypted, b);

Stage 4

Verification. Finally the MCPX reads a string from the un-encrypted 2BL and compares it to a magic number. If it matches, all was successful, and we jump to the start of the 2BL to start decrypting the kernel.

void verify() {
    if (get_memory_dword(0x95FE4) == MAGIC_NUMBER) {
        eip = 0x900000;
    } else {
        // Else, things have gone wrong
        eip = 0xFFFFFF94;


The RC4 algorithm was included as part of MCPX 1.0 and seems to work fine with BIOS versions 3944, 4034, and 4134.
